quarta-feira, 14 de julho de 2010

CNEMA 2010 - Portuguese Breeds and Agility !

For those who love dogs, 10 of June is the day to go to Santarém.

Besides being the Portugal Day and one of the days of the agriculture fair in Santarém, CNEMA, it is also the day of the Dog Show of Portuguese Breeds.

On this dog show will also be the Portuguese Water Dog Monograph.

The day will end with an agility trial, where me and Angel, my Australian Shepherd, will make our first competition.

Portuguese Water Dog Monograph

10 h - Portuguese Water Dog Monograph

Santarém Agriculture Fair 2010 (CNEMA)

Santarém Agriculture Fair 2010 (CNEMA)

australian shepherd in agility

15 h - Agility trial organized by Os Cãogurus

Other activities:

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